


Theresa Scavenius and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen have asked the question "What role should (non-normative) facts such as people’s confined generosity and scarcity of resources play in the normative theorising of political philosophers?" in their new book, Facts and Norms. The chapters in this book investigate different aspects of this broad question. Political philosophers are often silent on questions of what types of facts are relevant, if any, for normative theory, and what methodological assumptions about agency and behaviour need to be made, if any such assumptions are necessary. However, due to recent debates among and between idealists, non-idealists and realists in political theory, the issue about the relation between facts and norms in political philosophy/theory is beginning to attract greater attention from political theorists/philosophers.

The book can be bought here.


political responsibility for climate change (routledge 2019)

Theresa Scavenius have published a new book on political responsibility for climate change.
This book concerns what type of agents can be held responsible and what type of agents should be held responsible for anthropogenic climate change. It offers a general theory of why can- and fitness-conditions of moral agency are necessary, albeit not sufficient, premises for the assignment of ought to particular agents. It also provide a special theory of why institutionalised group agents should be held morally responsible for climate change. The objective of this work is to combine insights from moral philosophy and descriptive political science; the account of moral responsibility for climate change offered is theoretical and normative in character.

The book can be bought here. 


Institutional capacity for climate change response (Routledge 2018)

Theresa Scavenius and Steve Rayner (Professor, Oxford University) have published a book on climate governance. The purpose of the book is to introduce a paradigm shift in regard to climate change policies. It is argued that too little attention has been paid to the institutional conditions of climate governance in contrast to market designs. The pessimistic conclusion is that the neoliberal market designs have gradually undermined the institutional capacities in modern democracies to uphold political responsibility for grand problems, such as climate change.

The book can be bought here.




Discussion of the book with Anders Morgenthaler and Selina Juul in the DR Radio programme.

Recent publications

Scavenius, T. (2020). Political Responsibility for Climate Change - Ethical Institutions and Fact-Sensitive Theory. Routledge, USA. Find here:

Haarløv, R. and Scavenius, T. (2019). The delegitimisation of smoking in Denmark and the US. Journal Transition Studies Review. Vol 26, No 1, pp 15-30. Find here:

Scavenius, T. and Rayner, S. (2018). Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Response - A new Approch to Climate Politics. Routledge, USA. Find here:

Scavenius, T. (2018). Climate Change and Moral Excuse: The Difficulty of Assigning Responsibility to Individuals. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 31(1), pp.1-15. Find here:

Rostbøll, C. and Scavenius, T. (2018). Compromise and disagreement in contemporary political theory. Routledge, USA. Find here:

Scavenius, T. (2017). The Issue of No Moral Agency in Climate Change. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 30(2), pp.225-240. Find here:

Scavenius, T. (2017). Fact-sensitive political theory. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, pp.1-13. Find here:

Scavenius, T. and Lindberg, M. (2016). Klimaadfærd og klimaholdninger blandt danskerne, Københavns Universitet. 

Work in progress

Skovrup, N. and Scavenius, T. Democratic Governance: The Role of Citizens in Public Management Models in International Review of Public Administration (submitted)

Børsen, T., Scavenius, T. and Skovvrup, N. Intervention og teknologiforståelse (book in progress)

Scavenius et al. The imagination Stage - How to study the future? (article in progress, a collaboration between Scavenius, Finne Skovrup and a group of students: Lasse Uhrskov Kristensen, Billie Jarvad, Sami Zoorob, Kamilla Demuth Lund Pedersen, Emma Josephine Grouleff Hertel).

Scavenius, T. and Skovrup, N. Demokratisk Governance (under review)

Scavenius, T. Klimastaten, Aalborg Universitets Forlag (submitted)

Lindberg, M. and Scavenius, T. The Methodology of Institutional Capacity (in progress)

Scavenius, T. The impossibility of risk management in the age of acceleration and identification of possible pathways to practice the change. City Preparedness for the Climate Crisis, World Capital Institute (forthcoming)

Finne Skovrup, N. (2019): Lost in translation - oversættelse af borgerinddragelse (submitted)

Lindberg, M. and Scavenius, T.: The Social Paradox of Climate Action (work-in-progress)

Scavenius, T. and Lindberg, M.: From A to B: New approaches to transitional theory (work-in-progress)

Finne Skovrup, N. and Scavenius, T.: Borgerinddragelse som teknologi (work-in-progress)

Finne Skovrup, N. and Scavenius, T.: Climate politics: How to avoid the yellow jackets. New Public Governance in France (work-in-progress)

Scavenius, T., Finne Skovrup, N. and Lindberg M.: The need for disrupting the climate discourse (conference contribution)